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AdventNet SwisSQL - SQLOne Conso
DBA / Developer tool for SQL polish from one another to convert SQL queries.
"DBA / Developer tool to convert SQL queries from one to another SQL polish."
DB2 and SQL Server 2005 equivalent queries * Support for Oracle Hierarchical queries transformation (START .. with CONNECT BY)
* GUI-based data type mapping between databases.
* Configurable option not to Sybase and SQL Server built NULL conversion process.
Oracle SQL * Support for conversion Netezza SQL polish.
* Support all types of databases and data mapping between.
* Support all common table expressions databases statement () AND for transformation.
* Comprehensive, including SQL query conversion DDL (Create Alter, Drop), DML (INSERT, UPDATE,), Select Query, and DCL (Grant statements) Delete the table.
Supports either directly or by writing SQL queries from a file download. In addition, support and collective transformation that has been converted into a file SQLs registration.
Execution and comparison of results through the test the converted SQLs of Supports.
Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL Supports in the migration, Informix and ANSI SQL Oracle SQL to Netezza SQL database SQL polish and polish.
Supports migration.
* Support any industry standard ANSI SQL database polish polish of the specific SQLs convert.
Supports conversion JOIN and ANSI JOIN syntax is theta. Complex supports transformation, RIGHT OUTER JOIN statements INNER, LEFT OUTER JOIN or LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN which joined to participate.
* Comprehensive data on more than one database type conversion support.
Upper Supports conversion, all database vendors LEVEL, ROWNUM materials.
Supports conversion to establish special-decode, TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, TO_NUMBER, DatePart, DATEADD, DATENAME, LAST_DAY, NEXT_DAY, DateDiff, ADD_MONTHS, concat, InStr, in functions such as STUFF, SQL object names have the words SUBSTRING, REVERSE, TRUNC, radiant, Stages, FLOOR, CONVERT, ISNULL, commingle, NULLIF, CAST, BITAND, CASE statement, etc.
Supports automatic processing / word reserved. You AdventNet SwisSQL - SQLOne Console 4.2 download now free to do.
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